HRH The Crown Princess' speech in connection with lunch at Governor Generals residens in Wellington
Government House, Wellington, Nya Zeeland
(The spoken version shall take precedence)
Governor General,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Kia ora!
Thank you, Your Excellency, for your kind words. My husband and I, as well as our delegation, are grateful for the warm and generous welcome we have received here in the wonderful country of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Our countries are geographically very far apart from one another. That doesn’t prevent one from feeling very close when tragedy strikes.
Your Excellency, let me express our deepest condolences on the tragic loss of life caused by the recent floodings. I would also like to convey my sincere sympathy to all those affected by the extreme weather.
Emergency services and local communities are working around the clock to help and support people in need in very demanding conditions. They have my deepest respect and admiration.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This trip was originally planned for April of 2020, but frankly, now is even more timely. The global security situation of today is more serious than it has been for decades. The war in Europe is fundamentally changing the European security order. Simultaneously, New Zealand continues to play an important role in the Pacific region:
You are a voice for multilateral cooperation, for sustainability, for peace and stability. Sweden commends you for your tireless efforts and we thank you for the close cooperation we share on global, common challenges.
During our visit we have experienced how you connect with the roots from which New Zealand of today has sprung.
Visiting Te Papa yesterday and a Māori cultural building today has underscored to us the importance of the Māori knowledge and culture in your society.
It reminds us of how Sweden and New Zealand both share a rich cultural heritage from our respective indigenous populations. Traditional knowledge, passed down through generations, helps us to care for our environment and to build sustainable and inclusive societies.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Just like we in Sweden are in the process of transforming our heavy industry and see new industries emerge based on the realities of today, we know that the food industry of New Zealand is working towards lowering its carbon footprint.
Tomorrow, we will be visiting companies around Hamilton that work to enhance the sustainability in their respective lines of business. Companies that identify as both fully Kiwi and fully Swedish. As the ambitious free trade agreement between the EU and New Zealand comes in place, I believe we will see even more of that.
We, the Swedish delegation, have had two beautiful days in New Zeeland, and we look forward to the days to come.
I hope that this visit will help us build an even stronger relationship between our countries and people.
Thank you!
Kia kaha!