
Welcome to the archive, where you will find press releases, speeches, statements and news from The Royal Family and The Royal Court.

  1. 13 October 2018

    President Mattarella, First Lady, Ministers, Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, It is an honour and pleasure for Her Majesty the Queen...


  2. 8 October 2018

    Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Mr. Mayor, Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour to be here today for the...


  3. 8 October 2018

    Thank you for the beautiful gift. This magnolia plant may still be small. But it holds great significance as a symbol of the shared history...


  4. 3 October 2018

    It is my great pleasure to address you today at the United Nations on a very special occasion: the preview of the first of its kind tool to...


  5. 1 October 2018

    Due to the earth quake in Indonesia last week, His Majesty The King has sent the following telegram of condolence to His Excellency...


  6. 24 September 2018

    On 13–15 November, the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella will pay a State Visit to Sweden at the invitation of HM The King...

    Press releases

  7. 24 September 2018

    Your Excellences, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Ladies and gentlemen. There is no doubt. We are at a critical point in time. The...


  8. 24 September 2018

    Due to the ferry accident on Victoria Lake in Tanzania, His Majesty The King has sent the following telegram of condolence to His...


  9. 21 September 2018

    Due to the passing of president Tran Dai Quang of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, His Majesty The King has sent the following telegram...


  10. 3 September 2018

    This year, Japan and Sweden celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations. We have been friends for a long time – and so have my family and...
