
Welcome to the archive, where you will find press releases, speeches, statements and news from The Royal Family and The Royal Court.

  1. 29 January 2014

    Sehr geehrter Herr Oberbürgermeister, Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren herzlichen Empfang. Es ist für mich und meinen Mann, Prinz Daniel,...


  2. 28 January 2014

    For me and Prince Daniel to start our two-day trip to Germany with a visit to the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg appears a natural...


  3. 28 January 2014

    Ich freue mich sehr wieder in Deutschland zu sein, auch diesmal zusammen mit meinem Mann, Prinz Daniel. Wir haben auch die große Freude,...


  4. 28 January 2014

    It is a great pleasure for me, and Prince Daniel, to be here in Hamburg and the Völkerkundemuseum for the opening of this exhibition with...


  5. 11 November 2013

    Ladies and gentlemen, Ideas can change the world! We are reminded of this every year in December, when scientists, authors and peace...


  6. 5 September 2013

    Ladies and gentlemen, Dear guests, The Stockholm Water Prize is a very important and prestigious prize for outstanding achievements in...


  7. 4 September 2013

    The Stockholm Junior Water Prize final gathers the world's most creative young minds. It is truly inspiring to see all of you here today. ...


  8. 28 May 2013

    Mr President, First Lady Cabinet Members, Distinguished Representatives from the Republic of Indonesia, Mr Speaker, Ministers,...


  9. 23 May 2013

    Cities provide jobs and interesting careers, a flourishing cultural life, a multitude of consumption choices, and rich opportunities for...


  10. 11 May 2013

    Vice President Biden, Speaker Heinäluoma, Your Excellencies, Mr Governor, Mayors and Distinguished Representatives of Delaware, Ladies...
