
Welcome to the archive, where you will find press releases, speeches, statements and news from The Royal Family and The Royal Court.

  1. 14 February 2019

    It is an honour to welcome you all to Rally Sweden and to Värmland! Rally Sweden has the largest tv audience in motor sports. And it is one...


  2. 13 February 2019

    Some years ago, I heard a story, about true love. A young man from India met a woman from Sweden when she was traveling here in India. They...


  3. 28 November 2018

    The world's population is growing fast. But its resources are dwindling. Land and clean water are limited. And climate change is making the...


  4. 28 November 2018

    I am delighted to be here in Vienna and to have the opportunity to visit the Embassy. As some of you may know, this building, the ...


  5. 17 November 2018

    Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, Since the beginning of time, people of my...


  6. 8 November 2018

    Allow me to begin by congratulating the organizers, SBA, the Sociedade Beneficente Alemâ on the initiative of creating today’s symposium on...


  7. 5 November 2018

    Your Excellence, Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Stockholm and the Royal Palace. I am delighted to receive this distinguished...


  8. 17 October 2018

    Prince Daniel and I arrived in Lebanon only yesterday. But we are already impressed by the beauty of your country and by your warm...


  9. 13 October 2018

    President Mattarella, First Lady, Ministers, Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, It is an honour and pleasure for Her Majesty the Queen...


  10. 8 October 2018

    Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Mr. Mayor, Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour to be here today for the...
