
Welcome to the archive, where you will find press releases, speeches, statements and news from The Royal Family and The Royal Court.

  1. 2 December 2019

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome. And, more importantly: Thank you for hosting this high-level dialogue here in Delhi. I believe...


  2. 2 December 2019

    Let me first thank you, Mister President, for your kind words. I would also like to thank you and the first lady for the warm welcome the...


  3. 20 November 2019

    Thank you for a most rewarding day, with inspiring discussions that I hope will inspire many concrete actions. Child safety in a digital...


  4. 20 November 2019

    Welcome to Stockholm and the Royal Palace! On this day, thirty years ago, world leaders adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights...


  5. 14 November 2019

    The child who has suffered abuse. The child who is at risk. The child who was robbed of its childhood, and instead carries guilt and...


  6. 12 November 2019

    Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the Royal Palace. As patron of the Royal Swedish...


  7. 6 November 2019

    Good morning – Dobro jutro. Prince Daniel and I are honoured to be here today. The relations between our two countries are strong, and...


  8. 17 October 2019

    Barndiabetesfonden, the Child Diabetes Foundation, was one of the first organizations for which I accepted patronage. This was in 1993 and I...


  9. 16 October 2019

    Preventing harm to children and understanding the development needs of adolescence has been my life’s work. Mentor Arabia was founded in...


  10. 15 October 2019

    I would like to start by expressing my appreciation to His Excellency the President of Lebanon for his patronage of today’s “Mentor Arabia...
