Prinsessan Sofia deltog vid Reach for Changes 10-årsjubileum

Torsdagen den 1 oktober deltog Prinsessan Sofia i Reach for Changes digitala evenemang The Moment of Change.

Prinsessan Sofia höll tal vid evenemanget The Moment of Change.

Prinsessan Sofia höll tal vid evenemanget The Moment of Change. Foto: Victor Ericsson/Kungl. Hovstaterna

Prinsessan deltog vid det digitala evenemanget The Moment of Change som organisationen Reach for Changearrangerade med anledning av sitt 10-årsjubileum.

Under evenemanget höll Prinsessan ett tal och sade bland annat:

385 million children across the world are still living in extreme poverty. Inequality levels are rising. And in every crisis and conflict, children are the most vulnerable.

I believe we all have a responsibility to act to create the kind of future where our children and young people can thrive, not just survive. We need to seize the moments that life presents us with.

H.K.H. Prinsessan Sofia