
Välkommen till arkivet. Här hittar du bland annat pressmeddelanden, tal, uttalanden och nyheter från Kungl. Familjen och Hovstaterna.

  1. 25 december 2009

    Jag vill önska Er alla en god fortsättning på julhelgen. Just nu är många lediga från arbete och skola. Men tyvärr är, också, alltför...


  2. 3 december 2009

    It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to the Royal Palace. The fact that the Council of Presidents is meeting in Stockholm is...


  3. 1 december 2009

    It is a great pleasure for the Queen and me to congratulate WADA on its 10 years jubilee - an organization which is of such crucial...


  4. 11 november 2009

    It is a great pleasure to visit Kenya and Nairobi once again! I have travelled here several times since the 1990s. However, this is my first...


  5. 10 november 2009

    It is always a great pleasure for me and the Queen to visit Germany, and on this occasion a privilege to stay in Hamburg to celebrate the...


  6. 23 oktober 2009

    I dag högtidlighåller vi inledningen av ytterligare ett kapitel i Stockholms tingsrätts månghundraåriga historia. Jag minns dramatiken...


  7. 22 oktober 2009

    I am delighted to welcome you here in Stockholm for the European Development Days, hosted jointly by Sweden, currently holding the EU...


  8. 21 oktober 2009

    Ten years ago I had a vision, a dream to reach out to the world's most vulnerable children. To give them a real childhood. I had seen them...


  9. 8 oktober 2009

    A couple of years ago I was hiking in the mountains in Sweden, and came to think about our role models and the so called heroes of today. I...


  10. 8 oktober 2009

    Under hela det här året, det så kallade "Märkesåret", uppmärksammar både Sverige och Finland de omvälvande och stora förändringarna som...
